A surety bond is an insurance policy that guarantees that a business or contractor will be able to render their services faithfully. Surety bond insurance is generally required of professionals in industries such as construction and automobile sales, although the laws regarding who needs to purchase a surety bond will vary from one state to the next.

How a Surety Bond Works

Even though there are different types of surety bonds that all have their own requirements, most operate in roughly the same way. A surety bond works as insurance that protects the client being served. If the business owner or contractor in question fails to fulfil their obligations to a client, that client can file a claim against the bond. The insurance company that sold the bond to the principal reimburses the client according to the terms of the bond, while the principal is then responsible for paying the Read the rest >>>

Hiring a lawyer to represent you should not be something you take lightly. The right lawyer could easily make or break your whole case. Whether it is a criminal case or a torn acl workers comp settlement Portland OR case, you should always hire an attorney who is reputable and professional such as the one found at Peterohansenlawyer.com. While you are comparing lawyers to consider hiring, think about these important qualities that they should possess.


A lawyer who specializes in the same kind of case you are going through will be best for your situation and will offer you the best possible outcome. If you are pursuing a personal injury case, you should be looking specifically at personal injury attorneys. If you are having a criminal case, you should look for lawyers who specialize in criminal cases.


Willing To Go The Distance

You should find a lawyer who is … Read the rest >>>

Going through a divorce is hard. Whether the split is amicable or not, it takes an emotional and financial toll on both parties. When a couple cannot agree on how their lives should continue after breaking up, it often requires legal intervention to work through. Though you may have never considered the idea, you may very well need to hire a divorce attorney to get you through the process. Here’s why :

Understanding Laws and Legal Rights

Marriage is a legally binding contract that joins together a couple. When one or both parties want to dissolve the marriage, they are essentially saying they want to break their contract. With laws in place to protect the union of marriage as well as both parties included in the contract, an attorney is often required to help you understand what it means. Hiring an attorney in your town is best, as they are Read the rest >>>