A Story Of My Ongoing Battle With Asbestosis

It what food was in my thirties, when I began to notice a lack of breath which occurred usually with exertion. This puzzled me a lot, is that I don’t smoke, or possess a history of asthma. Over the years, the shortness of breath worsened to the level that I feel it regardless if I’m rested. There are even times when the dyspnea was so severe that I had to prop myself high on the bed because I can’t breathe when I’m in a supine position. I became increasingly worried when I aside from the dyspnea, I a persistent dry cough and a few chest pain now and then.
I submitted myself to a medical evaluation
also, it was discovered out that I had asbestosis. I was diagnosed almost about ten years ago, and I am now inside my early fifties. Asbestosis is a lung disease that occurs from sucking … Read the rest >>>