Attire for a Civil Wedding

If you are planning a civil wedding, you need to know the proper attire for it. Generally, you need to wear a white dress with a sash in front of it. The bride will also need a white veil. Guests should wear semi-formal or formal attire, depending on the time of day and location. It is important to ask your hosts about any specific dress code and find out if you can wear anything else.

Dress code

If you are planning on attending a civil wedding, you may be wondering about the dress code. Since this type of ceremony is typically held at a government office, it is not mandatory for you to follow a strict dress code. However, smart casual is considered appropriate. Men should wear trousers and a collared shirt. Do not wear slippers or khaki pants. They should also refrain from wearing sleeveless shirts.


A civil … Read the rest >>>

How Criminal Cases Differ from Civil Cases

Suppose you want a maritime law attorney today. Yet, you are not sure whether your case is categorized as civil or criminal. In this case, it would be vital to first understand the difference between civil and criminal law before getting an attorney. The following are a few aspects that help distinguish between criminal and civil cases.


Criminal cases are considered offenses against the state, meaning they seek to enforce public codes of behavior. The law assumes that crimes significantly affect the tranquility of the public, national integration, and public order. Such actions will include murder, aggravated assault, robbery with violence, and kidnapping. At the same time, some crimes are directed at the state itself, including treason, rebellion, and sedition.

On the other hand, civil cases are legal disputes between two parties, often individuals. Ideally, civil cases focus on civilians, meaning that they might not necessarily be about breaking … Read the rest >>>

4 Ways Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Gives You a Fresh Start

Most people shy away from the word “bankruptcy” even in dire financial situations. However, bankruptcy is one of the best tools available to eliminate debt when everything seems hopeless. Here are four ways that filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy gives you a fresh start in life. 

1. Relief From Creditors

When you’re harassed by creditors for unpaid bills, it feels like you’re being dragged through the mud. Once you file for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, you’ll get an automatic stay on all collections and start to see a light at the end of the tunnel. All attempts to collect debts will cease and you’ll begin the bankruptcy process.

2. Protection of Your Possessions

If you hold off on contacting a bankruptcy attorney Columbia MD because you’re afraid you’ll lose everything, know that most bankruptcies protect your possessions. This means you’ll likely get to keep your home and car. If you’re on the … Read the rest >>>

What to Expect at Your First Civil Court Hearing

If you’re considering filing a lawsuit in civil court, you may be wondering what to expect during your first hearing. There are many important aspects of a civil court hearing you should know. Listed below are the steps you should take at your first court hearing. During this stage, you may want to read up on the Status hearing, Witnesses, and Costs. Hopefully, you’ll have a better understanding of what to expect and how to handle them during the course of your case.

Status hearing

A status hearing is a meeting with the judge to discuss a case. It gives the parties involved an opportunity to present their case and argue for or against their position. The hearing is an opportunity for attorneys to explain their position and give updates to the court. While major decisions are not made at a status hearing, it is important to note that it … Read the rest >>>

Application Proceedings in Civil Procedure

An application proceedings begins when the applicant files a notice of motion, which advises the respondent of his or her claim. This notice will typically be accompanied by a founding affidavit. The responding party must serve an opposing affidavit to dispute the allegations of fact set forth in the applicant’s affidavit. After receiving the opposing affidavit, the applicant may file a replying affidavit.

Notice of application to strike out

Generally, a party can request to have proceedings struck out if the evidence in support of its claim is insufficient. This is a less-severe remedy than dismissal, but it still carries significant consequences. Bringing a strike out application at the earliest possible date will help avoid wasted time and costs, and will also ensure that all parties involved know the issues that are going to be tried. If, however, the application is brought too late, a party may have waived its … Read the rest >>>